Wheat beer

Flavor Fever: Why We Embrace Wheat

Human civilization has evolved alongside wheat, whose properties create a wide swath of beer’s diversity of flavor and texture—from quenching weissbier to soft, hazy IPA. Randy Mosher digs into its history and chemistry.

Five on Five: Wheat Ales

Wheat beers, in the hands of skilled brewers, bring out the best of expressive yeasts. Here, five pros share their favorites, across styles.

Recipe: Jackie O’s Paw Paw Wheat

Looking ahead to late-summer pawpaw picking: This strong ale recipe from Jackie O’s in Athens, Ohio, features a robust wheat base as a platform for the tiki-drink flavors of this unusual fruit.

Video Tip: Why Open Fermentation Is Key to Brewing Great Weissbier

At Bluejacket, head brewer Ro Guenzel and his team follow the example of the Bavarians and use shallow, open fermentors to get the aromatic expression they want from their weissbier. Here, Guenzel explains the dynamics of how it works and why it matters.

Video Tip: The Coevolution of Humans and Weissbier

Ready for Wheat Beer School? Bluejacket head brewer Ro Guenzel connects the dots between the history of wheat and barley, their importance to civilization, and the unique properties they bring to Bavarian-style weissbier.

Video Tip: The Why of Weizen

In this clip from his video course on how to brew traditional Bavarian-style weissbier, Bluejacket head brewer Ro Guenzel explains the monikers and origins of the style.

Recipe: Sassafras Forest Wheat

For this foraged recipe that includes sassafras root, spruce tips, and oak bark, any number of yeasts can work—but we think Norwegian kveik is a great fit.

Editors' Picks: Wheat Beers

Not flashy but sublime, refreshing, and comforting—especially on a hot day—here are a few of the world's finest wheat beers.

Recipe: Weihenstephan-Style Hefeweissbier

As a rule, the Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan doesn’t open its books to share exact recipes. However, at our request, Brewmaster Tobias Zollo generously agreed to share a recipe based on the world classic Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier.

Five on Five: Wheat Beers

Wheat beer is a diverse category, and personal preferences play a big role in picking the right one. We asked brewers to share their thoughts on wheat beers they enjoy. Here are their suggestions for the next wheat beer in your glass.